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This web site, its operators, and any content contained on this site relating to Jesse Quick are not authorized by DC Comics.
This site is not sponsored, approved or authorized by D.C. Comics. The opinions of this site are
not necessarily those of DC Comics and this site is not an authoratative voice of the views of
Jesse Quick and characters and situations as written by DC Comics. This site serves as a
non-profit scholarly work which reviews, promotes, and documents the elements of "Jesse Quick"
in comic books and media during the 20th century. All ideas in this site are expressed as a
continuation of thought covering the pop culture associated with Jesse Quick. These thoughts are
not necessarily the idea of DC Comics. Some illustrations and words are the creation of others
that have appeared in other publications. Their inclusion in this site is not intended as an
infringement of their copyright in any way, but rather is done in the interest of documenting and
reviewing pieces of pop culture "comic book" history.
are ©1941-1999 by D.C. Comics
Hopefully you've noticed quite a few changes since last time you were here. This is where I let you in on what some of those changes were.
Added a few new and great scans of original art and professional sketches to the Gallery, and added a couple tidbits of news to the news section.
Hi folks! Today I uploaded a bunch of pics! Added a fan art and original art Gallery to the picture gallery (with huge thanks to John Bayer!) and updated the News section! May the speedforce be with you!
Well, today I made a few aesthetic changes (the old banner is now gone), I got rid of the memorial to the Superboy and Secret webpages since both pages are either back or en route. I also uploaded a few more pictures, added the Secret Files page to the entryway, and did some minor updates in LETTERS and UPCOMING
Oh yeah, and I caught that my email address was wrong on this here page -- the address didn't even exist! Don't ask, I have NO idea how I did that one... Anyway, I hope I caught and fixed every occurence of the foul-up, but just in case, if the email address is NOT sweetashoney_ooh@hotmail.com or karmaeia@yahoo.com then the address ain't mine.
Smacked myself for not updating recently. That will change soon.
Received reply back on my interview with Mark Waid, which is now posted in the Interviews section!
Smacked myself for not updating recently. That will change soon.
Small update. Received award #6 today -- the JLA Headquarters Award!! Yay!!
Well, I hope you've noticed a lot more disclaiming going on here at the Jesse Quick Unofficial Webpage...